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Us / About

We’re a Strategic Design studio committed to value regeneration for organizations, brands and experiences. We practice active reflective thinking. We like to walk.
We connect organizations dimensions, resources and processes by understanding them as living systems, in order to generate the conditions that propel the blooming of experiences, brands and healthier, more resilient and attractive organizations.
Regeneration promotes conditions for infinite creation of value in organizations and their systems, taking as a starting point their talents and the efficient and conscious management of their resources.
It’s a path of observation and deep exploration in order to understand your essential role, draw your dream and trace the trajectory towards the next level. The outcome: a brand, a story, a team, an experience, a community that are never again fragmented.
Andrea Barrueto
Founder and General Director
_ Strategic designer
_ Design Thinking Coach
_ Director of Experience Design for LATAM Airlines until 2017
_ Master in Strategic Design (Politecnico di Milano – Universidad de Valparaíso)
_ Design Thinking Stanford University
_ Executive Program Singularity University
_ MAD foundation community member
_ Ingeniero Comercial PUC
_ Currently: Systemic Leadership training in The Whole Partnership with Espacio Sistémico Chile
_ Currently: Yo Regenero Escuela para la Regeneración Latinoamérica
_ Tutor in Biomimicry Institute
_ Tutor in Escuela de Sabiduría Caminar en Consciencia
Our Network

Estudio RUIZ, AKAA, N.OT., Espacio sistémico, Caminar en consciencia, Deslenguados, Warkspace.


EXPLORA, Interbrand, Hoteles Australis, Las Majadas de Pirque, Metropolitan Touring, Capital Advisors, Los Vasquitos, Errázuriz corredores de seguros, Coppelia, LATAM Airlines, ACHS, Bupa Chile, IntegraMédica, Claro Chile, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Fundación Antenna, Fundación Niños Primero, Fundación Escala Común,  Steelwood design, Público Porter Novelli, Argumental.