
How to guide a Deep Exploration Experience? From passive tourism to coexisting with the places we visit.
We built the EXPLORA’s brand identity: deep exploration and how this is put into practice through an exploration’s travel design, a new way of guiding, walking, recognizing and eating, with special attention on each place’s essence. The experience of deep exploration starts before arriving to your destination and lasts until after coming back home and consists in discovering how we are part of the places we travel through.
Name: EXPLORA, Deep Exploration Design.
When: 2016 through 2018.>br> Where: Patagonia, Rapa Nui, Atacama, Valle Sagrado.
Team: EXPLORA, raíz3.
#valueproposal #experiencedesign #fooddesign #servicedesign #training #explorationdesign #journeymap #deepexploration
When: 2016 through 2018.>br> Where: Patagonia, Rapa Nui, Atacama, Valle Sagrado.
Team: EXPLORA, raíz3.
#valueproposal #experiencedesign #fooddesign #servicedesign #training #explorationdesign #journeymap #deepexploration